Tuesday, January 31, 2012

fyi (or) at a new site

It probably won't affect most of you, but for your information:
This blog can now be found at  
(instead of the previous sarah-huff.blogspot.com)

This is in further efforts to make the site easier to find and reference. Now you can tell all your friends more easily, AND they don't even need to know my name to remember the name of the blog.

Also, I kinda dig those 3 f's in a row. Don't you? Seems like a design opportunity.

p.s. the linkwithin widget below each entry will be out of commission temporarily while the site catches on to the newness. (or something like that...)


  1. shuff, your feedburner's still not working for the new site. It only shows this post and nothing new since then (in Google Reader at least).


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