Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Sure is Beautiful

I will have plenty of crafty things to post about after Christmas gifts have been doled. Right now, I should be making and wrapping gifts. But I felt super guilty and negligent for not updating in weeks. So, while you wait to see pictures of the things I've been slaving over, here are some memories that have been lingering on my mind. 

Christmas is such a beautiful time of year. A time to be grateful, a time to take count of blessings and loved ones, a time to sit and breathe and find contentment in all the good that is in life. It's especially wonderful when you get to watch a child enjoy the beauties of the season. Catching snowflakes on the tongue, saucer eyes at twinkle lights. The heavy warmth of a tired child resting on your chest after a long day of playing in the cold.

I've collected a few pictures of some of the other Christmas memories I am remembering to cherish so much this month. Take a gander if you like.

Impromptu dance parties are a staple when Aunt Sarah's in the house.

None of these "kids" are very little anymore...

A fun Huff tradition is taking the kiddos out to a dollar store to do Christmas shopping. They draw names of family members out of a hat and then have a dollar budget for each gift.  

It's hard to imagine a Christmas when there was only one walking nephew. 
But they did happen, once upon a time.

We always spent the day after Christmas with my mother's parents and then made a trip across state to see my father's parents. Now that I'm grown and working, these trips are harder to make. But they are even more important to prioritize.

Before you can open presents, you have to read the Christmas story from the Bible.

Everything is new to children. 
It makes me enjoy things more to watch them discover them for the first time.

It's crazy to flip through these pictures and see how much my sister's kids have grown. But it's equally startling to see how much I have grown as well. Only a few short years ago, I was still sitting at the kid's table at dinner at my grandparents (albeit I elected this position) and now my sister is a mother of four and I have my own apartment, job, and somewhat grown-up life. Whodathunkit?

Looking through pictures makes me also realize that I do a poor job of collecting snapshots during Christmas. I must improve at this task this year.

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